Here’s an episode I’ve been waiting to do for a while,
mostly because I’ve been waiting for Rayman Legends to be released. Of course,
I wouldn’t have had to wait so long if the game wouldn’t have been delayed!
But, now the game is out and I can be happy… if I just had a WiiU now. Initial
reviews for Rayman Legends are pretty positive though and I can’t wait to
experience it for myself since I loved Rayman Origins. Rayman Origins took
everyone by surprise since a series that everyone thought was doomed to party
games was suddenly being nominated as one of the games of the year (which is
saying a lot for the year Skyrim came out). However, the original game also
turned a few heads at the time too: it decided to stick with 2D at a time (and
on the console) that seemed to be saying “3D or GTFO”. And unlike other
platformers, it took a slow and steady “discovery” approach to the levels
rather than the fast pace style that games like Mario and Sonic had been establishing
for years. So, why not look at the both side by side? Here’s another Classic vs
Comeback: Rayman Origins for the Nintendo Wii vs Rayman Advance for the Game
Boy Advance.
Now, I have to start off by back tracking a bit already:
yes, I am reviewing Rayman Advance, a PORT of the original game. However, being
a port onto a handheld console naturally comes with some changes. Though some
of these do affect the game play (such as starting with more lives, longer
flickering time and keeping items after death… according to Wikipedia), the
most noticeable ones seem to be on the technical level. As with most ports on
the GBA, the screen seems to have been zoomed in, Rayman has been made a little
bit bigger and the music is of lower quality. Though I don’t think this will
affect my opinion on the game, I want to put out my possible biases in case it
does (so yeah, feel free to call me out on any). And there are a lot of other
versions of this game due to ports changing the content (much like Earthworm
Jim), so I will try to make it so my opinions on it can apply to most versions.
And since I just talked about the graphics and music, let’s
start out with those. I already mentioned that Rayman was a 2D game at a time
where 3D was the new craze, but that doesn’t mean this game looks 2D. Kind of
like Donkey Kong Country, Rayman pushes 2D to it limits with smooth character
animations and shading that makes him look near 3D. Even with the GBA port, the
quality is still more than noticeable (unlike the Donkey Kong Country GBA
games). Rayman Origins takes almost the exact opposite approach to this: at a
time where 3D HD technology is available, they made Rayman look as flat as
possible. This isn’t a knock against
Origins though as it was clearly a stylized choice and it really works. The
light hearted cartoon matches the new fast paced game style and allows for
expression and emotion when Rayman gets hit or something. Bottom line: a great
amount of time and effort was put into both of these game’s looks, and they fit
the tone of each game perfectly.
I guess I do need to point out that Rayman’s look has
changed a bit in between games beyond just the graphics style. The look of the
entire first game was obviously meant for younger kids, and that’s reflective
of its very child friendly designs in everything. Rayman himself is kept so
simple a kid could have drawn him up: a ball with a head, feet and arms.
However, he does have some obvious influences of the mid 90’s: his hair looks
like what some of the teen idols were wearing and he has a red bandana.
However, the same argument could be made for the new look: his purple hoodie
with a red hood and “bed head” style hair is much more now, but I would argue
that it’s the more timeless of the two looks (though only time will tell). This
might also be because it’s clear they were going for a more teen and young
adult’s crowd. My proof of that? Just look at the differences between Betilla’s
However, the music is where I can say I greatly prefer one
over the other. Again, it comes down to the style fitting each game. Rayman
Advance has a game play that is focused a lot on handling things as they come,
pacing yourself and searching for secrets. Also, since everything in this game
is done is a sort of majestic, Wonderland feel, the music reflects all of these
things: the music is slow to not wear itself out quickly over time and
amplifies the magical element of each odd area you’re in. The music for Rayman
Origin fits its style: quick and fun. This music is upbeat, happy and makes you
want to rush through some levels. So why is one so much better than the others?
Well, the ones in Rayman Advance are very forgettable and too few, so the ones
you do remember, it’s because you hear them too often (despite being made not
to be annoying). And yet somehow, despite being vague and working for many
levels, I can’t see me possibly listening to it in everyday life because it
only works WITH the levels. (Also, the music cuts and stops weirdly when you
pause the game.) The music from Rayman Origins? Anytime, anywhere, all day,
every day… Except for Lums of the Water, that’s the most annoying track ever.
Now, I’ve been talking about the differences between game
styles a lot in this review, and it’s time to address it head on. Now, there
are some similarities due to certain trademarks that Rayman has. These include
a wind up punch and his “helicopter hair” that he can use to glide. Also, both
of these games are platformers so there are the general similarities that most
games have in the genre: walking, running and jumping, collecting object,
finding hidden objects, attacking, etc... However, if the two games didn’t have
the same hero, it would be really hard to tell that they are part of the same
The original Rayman takes things a little slowly, but not in
a bad way at all. Most of the levels are kind of like the first Sonic the
Hedgehog: it’s more about figuring out how to get through the level and then
doing it. Sure, there are straight up simple areas, but it’s pretty rare that
you won’t see a gimmick or trick you’ll have to figure out. Things are still
rather linear as far as platforming goes, but you are encouraged to stray off
the path and find secrets.
Which gets me to what you’ll really be doing: finding
Electoons. There are cages filled with these creatures throughout the game(6
per level) and you’ll have to stray off the usual path to find them. Some are
REALLY well hidden though, and the zoomed in GBA screen doesn’t help. I’ve been
told by some people that they have found all of them on their own, but I
honestly didn’t have the patience to do so after I replayed the first level
until I had 99 lives and yet was still missing a couple. (Yeah, I ended up
reading a guide.) This wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s necessary to find them all
just to unlock the final level. And I don’t mean some secret 100% ending boss,
I mean the regular, run of the mill last level.
Rayman Origins has the electoons too, but they are optional
just to unlock more bonuses within the game. Not only that, but in most levels
you only need to search for maybe 2, as there are always the same few
challenges: one for beating the level, 2 for getting a certain amount of “lums”
throughout it and one for the time trial challenge. Most of the electoons go
towards unlocking character skins, but you also need them to unlock the
treasure chase levels: a hard level you need to beat in one try in order to get
one of death’s teeth. Getting all 10 of them gives you access to the hardest
level of the game: Land of the Livid
Dead. So yeah, you play a bunch of levels, to unlock some levels, in order to
play another level… Joking aside, I do like that you are rewarded with more
content for playing and searching this game, rather than forced into it.
Most of the game play in Rayman Origins is designed to keep
you moving though. Though the layout of the levels has a bit to do with this,
it’s mostly because of Rayman’s abilities. For example, you can now attack in
several different direction and ways, including while running to not lose
momentum. This is important to master, as another ability he has is to run up
walls is he is going fast enough. To get up some other walls you may also have
to wall jump. You can still use your helicopter hair for jumps too, but you can
also swing on ropes where available. All of these skills and more are all
designed to keep you constantly moving (which is required for some level). If
an obstacle comes your way, an immediate solution should come to your mind on
how to get around or through it. It’s aspects like these that made this game
play so easily adaptable into the mobile “Rayman Run” game.
This isn’t to say this game is easy though, as some levels
require a mastery of all the skills. However, you can make this game a lot
easier by playing with friends. Up to 4 people can play this game
simultaneously and, though you may sometimes hit each other while attacking, it
gives you more chances to find secrets, a higher lum total at the end and if
you die, another player can revive you at almost any time. This game is fun on
its own, but I still suggest you try out multiplayer at some point.
So that’s Rayman Advance and Rayman Origins. Both are great
platformers that are really worth a play through for any fan of the genre, but
the reason to play both is because they are very different. Because of this,
it’s easy for me to choose a favorite and, I think I made it obvious from the
start, it’s Rayman Origins. Nothing against the original, but Origins is just a
lot easier to have fun with, even with friends thanks to the multiplayer. That
being said, Rayman Advance was a lot more fun than I had remembered: the game
play is smooth, it controls well, the levels are well designed with great
obstacles, well hidden secrets (perhaps too well) and everything has a lot of
creativity put into it. However, having to collect EVERY electoon is a big
counter point to it as it can bring your game to a grinding halt. And I feel I
can’t over state this, I DID play the GBA version, so the zoomed in screen may
have hurt my experience. But even without that, I think Rayman Origins knocks
it out of the park. I give Rayman Origins 9.5 and Rayman Advance 8 levels out
of 10.